Kay Valentine

Vietnamese/French mixed Kay Valentine from London, UK. It’s a shame her site is not ready yet, so the only source of images I could find was her MySpace page. If you have an account there, you can see them.Some facts:

Hometown: London, UK
Ethnicity: Vietnamese/French
Height: 5′ 7″ / 175cm
Weight: 120
Stats: 34B-24-36

Some links:

Kay Valentine @ myspace.com
Kay Valentine @ kayvalentine.com
Kay Valentine @ babeblvd.com

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0 thoughts on “Kay Valentine”

  1. Guys how about her boobs? Strange, I am the first one ask it.
    Come on, be serious guys :))))).
    Especially when she hold its on fourth picture.

  2. She maybe holding her boobs, but what else does she have going for her? I don’t find her all that appealing or sexy. Maybe if she looked more Asian I’d be interested but I doubt it. She’s just another average model posing in a bikini. Holla at me when she gets naked.

  3. is that what go-go dancing is? if all you do is just dance in a booth all night long in the dark then it sounds kind of fun 😀

    i think kay could be pretty, but right now it’s too hard to tell with all of that makeup she has on her face. taking a hard look at her facial features, she seems like she has a nice nose, pretty eyes, and overall generally goodlooking characteristics, but there is so much makeup caked on that i can’t really discern at all.

    i also think that if you all saw this girl in real life, you probably would’ve thought she was way hot. most times, i notice that guys actually fall for all of the caked-on makeup as if they don’t know that the face is mostly fake. so, if anyone you know looks like this in real life, know that they’re probably an ogre after they remove the cake frosting off of their face

  4. I think Kay is a bikini model not naked model.
    Christine, if you don’t mind, please make an assignment for me to live with her about ….. until I say enough. In order to know how hot she is. 🙂

  5. I know she is not a nude model. What I’m saying is that when she does do nudes, then let me know. I’m sure she’s hot in real life and I would beat it up, but I’m never going to meet her so all I got to go by is her pics which are underwhelming. I don’t see anything that differentiates her from any of the hundreds of highly forgettable import models that are out there. That’s just my opinion.

  6. I’m just fatigued by models like Kay. Models like her are a dime a dozen, especially now since they all use MySpace to promote themselves. So I need to see more than just a couple of bikini shots and a go-go to get me excited about someone. At least be a hotter mix like Nikita Esco. I love that girl.

  7. I think she’s pretty even with little make up, she looks like a white girl in most of her pics except the 4th pic, with little make up and her natural hair color, she looks more asian(not viet though) and pretty.

  8. I agree with Candyman. When I first saw her I thought “yawn, another import model” – I was quite surprised to see she was actually in the UK.

    Regarding Christine’s comments, I both agree and disagree. I really don’t think I’d think she’s hot if I saw her walking down the street. Also, the shot here where she has the least makeup is the least attractive – she looks pretty harsh (once again, like many current import models).

    I agree about how easily men are fooled by makeup though – nobody seems very amazed when I say that Sachiko isn’t wearing any makeup (apart from lipstick) in her web site photos. But if you saw 99% of the models on the internet without makeup, I think you’d be shocked. Even everybody’s favourite Sung Hi Lee wouldn’t be seen dead without a ton of makeup. It’s really quite remarkable that Sachiko doesn’t need it.

  9. to comment on Sachiko though – does she have permanent makeup done at all? because her eyebrows look permanently lined, and so do her eyes. it’s hard to believe that’s natural!

  10. Yes, she does have tattooed eyebrows and eye lines. But her skin is entirely makeup free (and there isn’t any eye shadow or anything like that) – how many models’ skin can stand up to that kind of scrutiny?

    Oh yes, and I don’t touch up her photos in Photoshop at all either.

  11. Kay has a serious butt vouching for her. I really love it, so round, perfect extension of her hot legs. And she seems to know how to use it too. 🙂

    christine, are you interested in go-go dancing now? You sure are full of surprises. I’d say you would get kinda bored after a while. But I wouldn’t mind watching you dance, lol.

  12. daznlover, after college i always thought it would be fun to do something really kind of wild for a while (like a full summer), then settle into having a boring day job. i was thinking it would be cool to bartend (like that one post a few weeks back with christina lee “the x”) but if go-go dancing is primarily anonymous and won’t give me a bad name, i think it really sounds like fun.

    and lee, i’m sorry to have to disagree with you on this point, but i don’t think it is entirely fair now to say she’s completely makeup free. i think having lined eyes, filled in eyebrows, and lipstick is enough makeup to make quite the difference! every day i actually only use eye liner and brow filler (and chapstick, but, does that count?). with this being said, sachiko is more ‘bare’ than most (like, >95%) glamour models and that is nonetheless admirable

  13. (additionally, i’m not posing for pictures either, so this makes how little makeup sachiko is wearing moreso respectable [since modeling makeup is usually very heavy] — but i still hold that the eyeliner, eyebrows, and lipstick can’t be discounted :/)

  14. I guess it depends on how you define makeup! A lot of women have permanently tattooed eyebrows/lines these days. But you obvioulsy agree that Sachiko’s lack of any makeup on her skin is remarkable for a model. Getting away with it in day to day life is one thing, but under the scrutiny of a high resolution camera is another thing altogether!

  15. Yep, christine, go-go dancing is kinda anonymous. You can even wear an artistic mask and become the mysterious dancing girl. As long as you keep them happy! That way, all the fun and no bad name. Enjoy life at the right time, you right on that.

  16. UPDATE: Kay was not happy with us grabbing her photos of her MySpace page, so she ‘kindly’ suggested we remove them. I am guessing she doesn’t like free publicity (1.5 mln. pageviews a month you are missing out on Kay! ;-))

  17. Perhaps she wasn’t happy with the fact that we weren’t all going ga ga over her. 😉 So not only is she totally ordinary looking, she’s also too stupid to know the value of free publicity. Next! 🙂

  18. Kay needs all of the free publicity that she can get. Without it, she’ll be an afterthough like so many other import models that have came before her. She should be doing all she can to put her name out there so she doesn’t become an afterthough. Plus she as well as other models should consider all of the people who just read the articles on here but don’t post. She shouldn’t be a hater because of the vocal minority.

  19. I don’t understand why models don’t try to take advantage of websites such as Asian-Sirens. Given how short the career of an import model can be, you’d think they would be doing all they can to increase their fanbase, especially someone whose own site isn’t even up yet. Oh well.

  20. Bummer…the Red Lips set wasn’t quite what I was expecting. Everyshot was pretty much the same shot with the same waist up pose, aside from her sticking her tongue out in a couple. And there was a bunch too. 🙁 I’m gonna need to see some legs and buttocks to be an admirer.

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