Katie Aston in Playboy

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Playboy did a special layout featuring four of Adams models. Lola, Katie, Maria and Talia. Katie seems to be of interest this week so let’s show you some more of her!

You can see the two images that made it into Playboy in the scanned magazine cover image (in More). Notice the little inset shot of Katie right on the cover! Does that count as being a cover model? 😉 Adam did not completely agree with the photo choices Playboy made, but had no say in the matter. So it is with great pleasure that he can share the other shots with Asian-Sirens. And again we thank Adam for doing so! And don’t forget to visit his site PacificBeauty.com. Now check out the fabulous Katie in

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

Katie Aston (Photography: Adam Yurman)

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0 thoughts on “Katie Aston in Playboy”

  1. Hmmm, the out-takes are some of the sexiest work Adam has done IMHO.

    Whenever I’ve submited my photos of Sachiko to other people, I’m usually perplexed by what they want to use too – I feel they almost always choose the worst shots! Is this a common experience for you Adam? Do you have any idea why this happens?

  2. IMHO Katie Aston definitely one of the hottest models and Adam does an excellent job capturing her beauty! Way to go and thank you for sharing these photos.


  3. There is something about her body… I guess the word is perfection. Just stunning! 🙂

    Adam, you want to tell us what would you choose? I would choose another one for the cover, but the inside ones are great.

  4. i cant believe there are even hotter girls in BK….”bangkok for the smart ass” 🙂

    Thitima is super…and she really knows how to work her body..btw adam and doc…does one have to be professional trained to do such work? or does it come naturally…amazing some of the poses…

    i am counting the days until i am on that plane to BK:))

  5. I can’t speak for Adam (I’m sure he can do that!), but as I’ve said before, I’ve deliberately avoided all professional training myself – but that’s just because I want to do things differently from the pros. To shoot like Adam does, one normally requires at least some training and quite a bit of experience (though once again I’m not speaking for Adam himself!).

    As for the model’s side of things, I think I can safely say that Katie is a model with a lot of experience at least. If you go through Adam’s shots of Tiara (remember her?), you can see a model who starts out with natural talent and devleops into a real pro. That should give you some idea about how natural talent and experience contribute to a girl’s modelling ability.

  6. doc…always amazed me that the girls know how to pose and look so seductively through the camera…wonder if Adam can teach me this:)

  7. Maybe this was one of the nicest mornings I have had in a while. To wake up and read the Asian Sirens Blog over the morning Coffee and notice that all the comments about Katies photos are positive. And the best thing of all is that Lawboy wants to know if I can teach him how to pout and stick his butt and chest out like Katie. Just don’t try those moves in court! Thank you all for making my day!

  8. Adam…i meant for you to teach me to get the girls to stick their butt and chest out :)….i dont think anybody want to take my picture sticking my fat ass out :))….she is very nice Adam…good find!

  9. Law Boy writes:
    ” Adam…i meant for you to teach me to get the girls to stick their butt and chest out :)…”

    OK Lawboy. I will teach you. Ancient S.E. secret of convincing models to stick their chest and or butt out. Ask politely and pay lots of money!

  10. There’s just one thing I think I should point out here: recently published does not necessarily equal recently taken, so these photos do not necessarily represent how Katie looks now. I’m sure Adam can enlighten us as to when they actually were taken (if he so chooses). 🙂

    And Adam, what about this experience of people choosing the weakest shots from a session for them to use? Is this a common experience for you, and if so, do you know why it often happens this way?

  11. Riiiiiight LawBoy….I think we knew what you meant. C’mon man admit it! You want to be an Asian female model don’t you! I KNEW IT!

  12. dark..if i had tits like her i think my hands would be in tractions:))…..no thanks man, i like being a dude better:))) more fun!

  13. Lawboy, lots of BKK girls will pose for you in photos, for a small amount of money. You can start practising there. Take your time and enjoy the girls. If you find the next Thitima, let us know. 😉 But for now, this is as good as it gets!

  14. Hey Doc,
    All my photoshoots have a long built in delay as they take time to edit, market and publish. Usually about 6 months to a year after a shooting before anything I shoot hits the printed page magazine. Katie’s photos you see here are about 1 year old and they represent the last photoshoot she did before she went for Mom-hood and popped the baby out in December 2006. The baby is adorable and she calls it her little monkey. She seems as happy as could be and swears she will soon lose the post pregnant weight and come back to shoot soon.

  15. doc…i think that is CLM…:)….i miss his comments and K4K also…maybe they started their own blogs….”Nastier Asian Sirens” :))

    Dazn…they may pose with you but the question is can you bring it out of the country….i dont want to get Gary Glittered:)

  16. I banned CLM, but K4K left of his own volition (after I gave him a friendly warning). He is very welcome to return any time he wants – I thought his comments were often quite witty.

  17. Wow I didn’t know that but I have to actually say that I found tis place to be more like the past… I also haven’t been reading comments much but 🙂

  18. CLM and K4K, I miss them too. Somehow, rehabilition comes to mind… 🙂

    Lawboy, you don’t necessarily have to bring them out of the country. You just need to travel there more often. On business, of course, lol

  19. dazn…it was a lot of fun reading CLM comments about something nasty then Doc would jump in and scold him…then the sh!t hits the fan…it was quite entertaining…but now they are gone:( maybe you can be like CLM and cause some uproars:) that brother was so funny.

  20. Hey Adam…Please send Katie our well wishes and congratulations on the birth of her child.

    Hoping Katie will have the same type of success Heidi Klum did after her baby (Heidi was able to do a Victoria Secret runway show shortly afterwards.)

    Thanks again for your excellent work.

  21. hotbytes..nope…i saw pix of her preboobs..i like better after boob job…very nice..i wondered if she had it done in BK…they have a very good hospital there that does great works…

  22. Those boobs are real? Are you serious? 😉

    Actually, I’ve noticed that a lot of Adam’s models seem to have the same boob job. Maybe he sends them all to the same surgeon?

  23. IS THAT A BOOB JOB? Yeesh! Hotbytes you need to do some studying. 😉 I think you were just kidden though….I hope.

  24. oops i meant link:)..hey chris what is your take on the photos with The Buddha?….we welcome your comments.

  25. We’ve decided to leave the pursuit of Copyright abuse up to the content owners themsleves (unless it is actually on Asian Sirens itself of course) – you are free to post whatever links you want.

  26. Well I hope you get what you want from that site because Adam or Chris will have a cease and desist order on it within the next few hours. 🙁

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