Kai Lansangan


While doing some research for an article that I was writing, Kai immediately caught my attention when I saw a photo of her. I wonder if any of the readers can take a guess at how.Naturally, I got one look at Kai and my attention was immediately grabbed by how amazing she looked in the black dress she was wearing at the Motion Super Show that was held in Long Beach, CA back on August 21st for obvious reasons. Kai is one incredibly sexy woman, and if you haven’t noticed, her breasts are huge.

Even in the shots of Kai before she received implants, she still looks gorgeous to me. With the implants, I feel that they put her over the top in terms of popularity and where her modeling career goes.

I’m interested in finding out what the readers have to say about Kai since the busty models that I have written articles for were very popular and received a lot of comments. Hopefully you guys love Kai as much as I do.

Age: 19
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 102 lbs
Measurements: 32G-25-35
Ethnicity: Filipina
Location: Hermosa Beach, CA








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0 thoughts on “Kai Lansangan”


    WHYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!??! Maybe the perfect woman!! That is, until the switch on the air compressor stuck in the ‘on’ position.

    That body and face with a nice natural handful (ie, pre-surgery) would have turned me into a dribbling mess…..

  2. As usual with the US import models it seems I would prefer a slimmer build, but she’s nice and trim, and with face and tits as sexy as that, I can forgive just about anything. πŸ™‚

  3. Hmmm. I’m torn.

    Couldn’t find the pre-surgery pics, but she’s got a really cute face, but boobs that size really bring out the freaks who follow you (or your new girlfriend) around in the grocery store.

    Boobs that big on a tiny girl make finding clothes a nightmare, and if you’re not wearing lycra, ever t shirt you buy requires two hrs of tailoring.

    Plus they kind of prevent you from having a non-appearance-related day job (women actively discriminate against you… old ladies grabbing their husband’s hands. and the like kid you not).

    Then again, if you’re out walking on the strand or enjoying the terriyaki chicken bowl at the Beach Hut in Hermosa, she probably wouldn’t look out of place in the slightest.

    Verdict? Thumbs up, but in terms of gape appeal, this is akin to a very unusual Ferrari/brand new puppy/ Bell Jet Ranger helicopter, and you better be comfortable with the kind of attention you’re going to pull rolling around in public.

  4. She’s incredible. All I can say is Wow.

    Damn gotta step my game up to match these posts from Candyman. Ever since the around the Amy Fay post it’s been non stop high quality for the import models.

  5. I’d like to see her pre-implant, too.

    Anyway, she’s pretty enough. And while it might be hard for her to find clothes, she looks pretty good in them. Where these giant balloons don’t work (at least for me) is in the string bikini pics. Too big and totally unnatural. Nothing sexy about that.

  6. I’ve seen her around and have mixed emotions about her. On the one hand, she has a really pretty face especially in candid shots and when she looks more natural. On the other, the implants are way over the top. While I’m not a fan of giant breasts, these are well done but there so fricking huge they’re distracting and not necessarily in a good way. Still she’s hot and I’m not really complaining. Another asian Jessica Rabbit is alright by me.

  7. I feel like I need an emoticon to express what I thought when I saw that first pic. She’s definitely gorgeous. Like others have said, I think she probably looked better pre-surgery, but I wouldn’t kick her to the curb now either.

  8. I like her looks, but here in the Philippines she’s just a little above average looking. While I agree the boob size is over-the-top, she really needs them to “stand out” from the crowd, here or there.

  9. Guess she really wanted to stand out in a crowd! Still, looking at her pre-enhancement photos, I think her boobs were great then.

  10. I started my post before Subic Man’s comment had posted, so just a coincidence about the stand out comment.

  11. I don’t have a problem with her implants. As long as she didn’t get them that big so she can gain weight. Sexy face.

  12. I like (LOVE) the new boobs. I just hope that she’s able to keep a lid on all the other things that usually follow when a 19 year old girl feels like
    “improvements” are in order:


    Listen up babydoll…an idle mind and a mirror are dangerous together. Where you are physically is fine.Now…go wrinkle that brain with something useful such that you’re not inclined to go “circus freak” on us. πŸ˜‰

  13. So disapointing…her original tits are just fine! This girl is still gorgeous though and lives near me…I need to look for her…and her great ass!

  14. What a shame she even did the implants, her pre implant pics are great. She had wonderfully sized breasts and looked fantastic. And while there are many hot hot Filipina women, she’s certainly way above average. Here or there.

  15. at first i thought this girl was a bombshell, i agree with most. i love a nice boob job and love great tits but even for me i think they are a little over the top. they probably don’t feel that great but her pre-op pics shows that she is kinda an average girl with some very nice photo shopped pics and great makeup. strip all that away and she is an 7.5, initially thought she was like a 9. We need to create a new feature for this site. a numerical grading system

  16. Doc, I don’t know anyone here is “afraid” of these balloons. At least I am not. But I can’t say I find them sexy. If anything, they are comic to me.

    Big is fine. Fake-looking is not. I’m not saying I’m 100% against enhancements, but they should at least resemble actual natural breasts. These don’t.

    As I mentioned earlier, I think her boobs look OK in clothes. But they simply don’t pass the reality test when I see them in a bikini.

    Would “real men” be attracted to a woman with four tits? Because that’s about as natural as these. I’d say “real men don’t like fake-looking body parts. We will leave them for the fake men.” :#)

  17. @Bigfoot: of course I was just teasing. πŸ™‚

    I also can’t agree she’s average for a Filipina. Indeed, they usually aren’t to my taste, but I find this girl sexy as hell. And all Filipinas need makeup to really look good in my experience anyway.

  18. Nice, she really should do more nude work. The boobs are comically large but with a girl this gorgeous I would deal with it, if only she would let me.

  19. She is sexier with the implants but not because the implants make her look sexy. It’s because they have given her the confidence to appear more sexy.

  20. Actually, Basho makes a key point that few people consider. Whenever I’ve been asked about what size a woman should go to, my advice is that they should go to the size they really want to be, not what other people tell them they should be. Because the happier a woman is with her own appearance, the more confident she will be, and the sexier she will be as a direct result.

  21. I sent Maxpower076’s image to a friend whose a surgeon and he said “unless she had prior implants or very large breasts to begin with, you might need a balloon tissue expander to essentially pre-stretch the skin before you could shoehorn that set of implants into her.”

    He also said he though the pics were taken shortly after surgery and over time they would look more natural.

    They’ve already grown on me. Friday I thought that might be a little much, but today they look just about right.

    … and I like her as a blonde. It works for her. The worst thing you can do as a model is be like every other model and she is definitely unique.

  22. @bigfoot, for once Lee is right: some men DON’T want other guys looking at their gf/wife. And this girl is going to get attention with that chest. I’m ready to help Kai with her ab exercises – she’s going to need them to help her back.

  23. Oddly enough, I like her breasts kinda covered, not so much in her bikini shots. But Kai is sexy as hell, no doubt. Another pinay to get me going, thanks. πŸ™‚

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