
I know a few of our readers have a fetish for Asian girls with Aussie accents, so how about two cute Korean Australian girls singing with Aussie accents? Introducing twin sisters Jayesslee (Facebook) – here they are singing a surprisingly fresh sounding cover of the most over-played and over-covered song of last year, PSY’s Gangnam Style (or as they refer to it in Aussie lingo, “Gumnut Style”). Personally, I find their version infinitely more listenable than the original – indeed, I think their singing (especially their harmonies) is actually quite excellent (and I’m a real music snob). Their YouTube channel was only the second in Australia to hit one million subscribers – after another Asian Australian girl, Natalie Tran. Yes, we love our Asian girls down here – and if you lived here, you’d know why. 🙂

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0 thoughts on “Jayesslee”

  1. Doc,

    I can’t thank you enough for introducing me to these sisters. They are the definition of harmonic. Beautiful vocals, a nice attitude, and those accents are making me melt. They really have talent in addition to natural beauty.

    I did catch the Milk Carton Kids on Conan’s show recently as I am a fan of harmonies. Thank you for reminding me.

    Anytime singers can “play” off one another and come up with a harmony greater than the sum of the parts- it is magic. The fact they have been doing this for ten years is evident in their abilities. Nice to see their progression from 18 – 27 years old, too….

    And the accents! Another day of productivity at work lost to Asian-Sirens!

    I have cousins living in Australia- I will have to catch a Jayesslee music show when I visit.

    Thank you!

  2. First time ever I have heard this song without my ears bleeding or having uncontrollable urges to push over old ladies in psychotic rage.

    Wow.. damn. Hot. Korean. Sisters. Who can sing. oooh la la!!!

  3. They are lovely sisters. Very wholesome vibe. They are projecting zero sex appeal. Nothing wrong with that as it allows us to concentrate on their voices, which are lovely too.

  4. I’m surprisingly impressed. Not bad. There’s certainly some production and editing that went into the sound, but the minimalist approach works pretty well.

  5. Maybe I can disagree with Basho. To me they are very very sexy. Lots of sex appeal projected at me…just not the raunchy X-rated kind, but still very hot.

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