Hooray for Hooters – Shanghai

Hooray for Hooters Shanghai

About 1 year ago the American chain restaurant Hooters opened their first China location in Shanghai. Having survived the initial jokes about difficulty of recruiting Hooters girls in China, the restaurant has proven itself a success. As the readers of Asian Sirens know all to well, good things often do come in small packages.The story of Hooters’ China experience is linked from this posting with a few more pictures. Asian Sex Gazette reported the opening in October 2004, and we are happy that they are continuing to do well. Still, we were saddened last year when Playboy Enterprises was denied a license to open a ‘Lifestyle Club’ in Shanghai. Too bad, but change come in small steps we figure.

Full story here.

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0 thoughts on “Hooray for Hooters – Shanghai”

  1. I’ve been there some of the girls are quite pretty, (better than the pic) but most are not what you’d call big up top if you are used to American “Hooters”. Still more busty girls in China than you’d think!

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