Hayashi Tantan


This lovely young lady is actress Hayashi Tantan. 21 years old, she has already been in 8 different TV shows that you’ll probably never watch so I’m not going to bother listing them. Woo! Enjoy.Stat:

Age: 21
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Japanese
Located: Osaka





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0 thoughts on “Hayashi Tantan”

  1. This girl is certainly a cut above the average J-girl for me. To be honest I would have guessed she was Chinese if I didn’t know better – she’s more classy and less cutesy than they usually are. A very pretty girl indeed!

  2. Well after the craziness of the Wrist Cutter G thing [which I was unable to view 🙁 or maybe that should be 🙂 ], this young beautiful and talented woman sure is a welcome sight. 9.9 parts Chinese for me too if I didn’t know better.
    Lovely, gorgeous, sweet! Thanks Travis!

  3. I’m going to disagree with the call for more definition because she’s an actress, not a model. If she looks TOO much like a model, she probably can’t take on as many roles.

  4. @appolyon5583..yeah not a bad call. If I squint, I can see a bit of a resemblance between Kitty and Tantan.
    Both are pretty for one thing.

  5. Woozers!! I would marry her in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself without any hesitation.

  6. Doc, they’re called mail-order brides.

    I became engaged to my wife a month after we met, and we’ve been married 10 wonderful years.

    And 14 mediocre ones………….j/k

  7. True, but the idea is the same.

    And I think I’d marry Hayashi as well if I wasn’t already married and IF she’d have me:-)

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