This lovely young lady is actress Hayashi Tantan. 21 years old, she has already been in 8 different TV shows that you’ll probably never watch so I’m not going to bother listing them. Woo! Enjoy.Stat:
Age: 21
Height: 5’5
Ethnicity: Japanese
Located: Osaka
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Totally, completely beautiful.
This girl is certainly a cut above the average J-girl for me. To be honest I would have guessed she was Chinese if I didn’t know better – she’s more classy and less cutesy than they usually are. A very pretty girl indeed!
WOW not often you can say a women is purely elegant!
I’ve watched her in several TV series and she is just adorable!
Her Father is Japanese, but her Mother is Chinese. It is obvious which she takes after.
Well after the craziness of the Wrist Cutter G thing [which I was unable to view 🙁 or maybe that should be 🙂 ], this young beautiful and talented woman sure is a welcome sight. 9.9 parts Chinese for me too if I didn’t know better.
Lovely, gorgeous, sweet! Thanks Travis!
Very pretty…but could she get at least a tad more muscular definition in the arms & legs?
wow…almost perfect
Ah, so she is part Chinese – good to know my judgement was (partially) correct! 🙂
G O R G E O U S !!!
I’m going to disagree with the call for more definition because she’s an actress, not a model. If she looks TOO much like a model, she probably can’t take on as many roles.
Classy, elegant and beautiful. Hell of a package.
Yes, I agree with Travis – we should judge the girls we feature here for what they are.
She’s quite beautiful. She could certainly keep my interest for a TV show.
I’m sorry, I just have to say it: “More skin, please.”
She has that classical beauty, with lovely eyes. Doesn’t make me boil, but makes me interested.
I saw a Chinese movie called CJ7 with an actress named Kitty Zhang Yuqi that I think has a resemblance.
@appolyon5583..yeah not a bad call. If I squint, I can see a bit of a resemblance between Kitty and Tantan.
Both are pretty for one thing.
Woozers!! I would marry her in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself without any hesitation.
And we’d all fly out for the wedding……
I love it when people announce that they’d marry somebody they’ve never even met. 😉
lol Doc.
it happens tho.
I thought she looks Chinese too. She’s certainly beautiful but not my type.
Doc, they’re called mail-order brides.
I became engaged to my wife a month after we met, and we’ve been married 10 wonderful years.
And 14 mediocre ones………….j/k
But Wings, you did meet her first, however briefly. 🙂
True, but the idea is the same.
And I think I’d marry Hayashi as well if I wasn’t already married and IF she’d have me:-)