Malaysian born Ginger Li is an exquisite mix of Chinese and Thai. She has been featured at websites such as suze-centerfolds.com, hollyrandall.com and redskynudes.com.
I’m wondering if Ginger Li is the same girl as Candy Song. Anyone?
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Could be… But Candy has her own site allready: http://www.candysong.com, and Ginger says she is currently building her website http://www.gingerli.com.
Gingerli.com was already under construction since I left the scene back in 2001 😉
Based on some deskresearch (someone has to do the dirty work), I think Ginger Li and Candy Song are one and the same girl.
And can you tell me why some of these girls change their names? Or somteimes have many aliases? I just don’t see the point of that…
Different names for different type of jobs (glamour, adult, etc). Most of the models even don’t use their real name. And to be honest, I can’t blame them for that.
They sure look like the same girl to me.
Well, okay, I can understand when they use an alias fo the adult industry. But do they do this also for modelling?
Ginger Li is the name she went by when I first heard about her. Zev Manor made a site for her candysong.com. So I believe she goes by Ginger Li everywhere but on the site Zev made for her.