In an ‘enhanced’ flat in Beijing, these Chinese women are practising pole-dancing. Instructor Luo Lan (in yellow shirt) has already trained 240 students that are now ready to participate in the entertainment-industry. Don’t you just love modern China?! 😉
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While pole dancing is becoming a big of a ‘lets have some wild fun’ trend in some city clubs in Beijing and Shanghai, let’s not give the impression that strip joints will be part of China’s entertainment landscape anytime soon. The government’s ‘opening up’ policy is not that advanced. As for opening up policy of Chinese women themselves, well, that’s another story.
“Tonight on ‘Extreme Makeover: China Home Edition’…”!
Mental note: installing a pole in my living room, it looks great. 🙂
Mmm… I wonder if they have anything like this in Shanghai?
Just left the hell hole (China) after 5 years but it would have been cool to see!
My apologies to China.
@ shockr,
Tell me about your experience. You can comment on it at my blog if you’d like. I would appreciate it as I’m planning on going. Thanks!
BlueSkies, are you apologizing to China on shockr’s behalf? I suggest you venture off on your own China journey and get an honest taste of the mainland before making such a dubious gesture.
China is fascinating mind-blower of a place. And being on the ground here will reveal a world you can never comprehend from glossy media images.
I’ve stretched a what was to be a year in Shanghai into seven (for lots of complex and not so complex reasons). While my experience has been rich in multitudes of ways–some of those horizontal–I’ve had many moments where I, like shockr, have thought China is an absolute ‘hell hole’.
I will be in China in exactly three weeks! Not a lot of pole dancing clubs for me I guess, since I will be travelling with my gf. But no need for it since SHE is my little China girl! 😛
Yeah right Robin, I believe you. 😉
What? You calling me a liar? Ask Marco. He knows.
Alright then, have fun. 😉
But still, how would Marco know what you’ll get up to in China?
Because he is my friend? (and has seen my gf? ;-))
Ah, so she’s one of those girls who will make absolutely sure you don’t ‘sample the locals’? 😉
Yeah! 😉
5 years in China… you know what they say… “if you don’t like it, leave!”. That’s exactly what I did. I walked the talk…
We still have investments there but I just can’t handle the pollution there… nor like the local customs… ie. spitting, rudeness, scammers, taxi drivers, etc…
When I first got there EVERYTHING was awesome… so I thought. Most people don’t “the other side” of China until they have been there for at least 2 years. Everything looks great until you actually become a resident for awhile.
I am sorry for the men over there , they get tease but not enough women..lol
Plenty of attractive women for rich and well to do men. China is a communist society with class differences… rich don’t mix with the poor… It’s just pure evil over there.
If you have money, women will flock to you regardless if you are married or not.
@ InactionHero,
Get a clue, dude. I was talking about the strippers.
I have traveled the World and I have had a home in Shanghai for 8 years, I spend about 4 months a year in China..I travel to many cities in China….
China is great, the people are great the country is beautiful, and I now love the food……
Lioke I tell my friends…all the woman in China are beautiful…and the men are not so beautiful….