China Shuts Down Porn Sites

During the months of September through November, Chinese public security authorities shut down 598 porn websites and wiped out 35 porn domain names, according to Wu Heping, spokesman of the Ministry of Public Security.

Heping announced on Dec. 29 that all porn websites discovered in China have been closed down. The move follows the ministry’s September decision to begin a nationwide campaign against Internet porn, including video chatting, which was launched in conjunction with the Information Office of the State Council and the Ministry of Information Industry.Heping said that more than 80 percent of domestic computers have been infected by viruses during recent years and that the daily junk mail flowing to domestic users exceeded 60 million.

Heping added that since the campaign’s start, the number of porn websites reported daily by the public has dropped from 14 to nine, most of which are foreign porn websites. The number of Internet porn videos reported daily also has dropped from 13 to two, he said.

Chinese regulations specify that Internet service-providers are liable to safeguard Internet use and that police should supervise all providers. However, Heping said China’s Internet safeguarding methods are applied by no more than 25 percent of web users and providers.

Regulations also state that any online safeguarding technique should not be used to infringe upon the individuals’ freedom and privacy and at least two members of the police should be at scene when inspecting suspects.

Heping said the Internet is one of the most important parts of Chinese life. Currently, China’s Internet users number more than 100 million, ranking second globally.

One ministry official said the public is encouraged to report any online activity violating laws or code of conducts through phones or an official website, Net.China.CN.


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