Category Archives: News

Sachiko In Scoop Magazine

Sachiko McLean in Scoop

When Sachiko McLean travelled to Taiwan earlier this year, she was interviewed by the biggest selling magazine in the country (Scoop) for a centrefold feature article. It documents her remarkable life story, from elementary school music teacher to nude model and erotic performer!

There are of course many inaccuracies (and the text is in Chinese), but as this is Sachiko’s first appearance in a major magazine it could well become something of a collector’s item. So if you’re a real fan this might be an item you’ll want to add to your collection. She has a very limited quantity of personally autographed copies available – you can send her an email if you’re interested.

Where are all the models?

Back in the early days of social networking, I started a Yahoo! Club (later called Yahoo! Group) to bring together fans, models and photographers. I’ve been out of business for almost 4 years and it is funny to see how the online landscape for asian models has changed. Most of the Yahoo Groups are dead or nothing more than a commercial outlet for spammers. All models have their own website nowadays with a paid membersection. But where do they meet there new online customers, uhhh fans, these days?Right, on of course! I just started my own environment there and already have some friends. Lena Li and Sasha Singleton were among the first who accepted my invitation. It’s amazing how many models are hanging around there. I even noticed Lisa Boyle is still doing her thing!

Anyone here who has his or her own space at

Asian Cyber Girls at Playboy

Just checked what I’ve missed this year at Playboy but guess what? Only two Asian models were featured as cyber girl of the week (or month). Shannon Lea was cyber girl of the week in January and Yen Hoang was cyber girl of the month in April. What’s going on at Playboy? Where is Kim Mizuno?

More info on Shannon Lea can be found at her official website

As far as I know there is no official website for Yen Hoang. The Playboy spread of Yen Hoang can be found at