Going through some of my old photos, I came across this one of Sunghi Lee (who’s been featured and mentioned here so many times, I won’t bother with links….just use the search), taken in Suwon, South Korea on June 6th, 1998 while she was there to promote her movie
A Night on the Water. Not a great film (despite a decent performance by Sunghi), but one I truly feel deserves cult status. Great soundtrack, though.I’m sure the above photo has never been seen before because I found it and the negative for it and two others, in 2001, in a envelope in a desk drawer at a former workplace in Korea. The three were taken by my former employer who was friends with the owner of the movie theater that Sunghi visited that day to meet fans and sign autographs. The top one was taken as she was signing the message that later went underneath the large framed photo you see of her in the next picture below.
Only the three photos were printed and I have them all. The two that I scanned for this entry, and the large framed one below, which is hanging on my office wall at home.

Photo of Sunghi with her handwritten message underneath
The movie theater in Suwon where the film was shown. The building was torn down a few years ago to make way for a department store. Even though A Night on the Water was shot in Canada, it was only shown at (very few) theaters in Korea.
At the movie theater in Suwon the day she went there to sign autographs and meet fans. I was stationed in Suwon at that time, but didn’t hear of her visit until after she left Korea.
Sunghi signing autographs at the theater. This photo was displayed in the lobby of the theater until shortly before the building was torn down.
Still from Sunghi’s striptease scene in A Night on the Water, where she does a sultry routine to “Keep me in Your Mind” by Carolina, which is the song you’re listening to now. Read my review of the film here.