Bikini Beauties


There’s something about women wearing bikinis.. it’s plain sexy I guess.









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0 thoughts on “Bikini Beauties”

  1. my vote is for #2 and the last one…i like the girls to have some waist lines..but that can be fixed through poses and camera angles..right doc?
    a scientific poll, do you guys prefer to be with one hot chick or more than one hot chicks…seriously, this is an important scientific querry:)) since we are presented a group thing here:)

  2. There’s something about women wearing bikinis

    You meant ‘japanese women’. :-))

    There’s something cute about japanese legs… 🙂

    LawBoy, it depends on the purpose, really!

  3. The only one I can name with confidence is Eiko Koike (pic 1 top right). I know the one at bottom right too, but her name escapes me right now. Also, I believe the one with the big tits in pic 6 is Megumi, but I could be wrong. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell all these Japanese bikini models apart – back when I was really into this sort of stuff, there were fewer of them, and they seemed to be more individual. I could always name them back then! 😉

  4. Yes they have – yet many people still believe they’re all-natural. A sudden explosion of big-boobed Japanese bikini models when there were almost none before, at exactly the same time breast augmentation became widespread? Nah, it’s in the water. 😉

  5. As a response to a scientific query, I’d say a group is more fun for a relaxed time like vacations. In the winter, however, one only seems to be the best option. 🙂

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