Back from Vietnam!

streets of Hanoi

This morning I returned from 3 weeks vacation in Vietnam (and several hours in Hong Kong). I can say one thing: Vietnamese women are very beautiful! Heaven on earth if you ask me. I think I fell in love with Vietnam 😉

Unfortunately I was not in the position to do any photoshoots. Vietnam is also a very concervative country when it comes to nudity. There is prostitution (not visible like in Amsterdam though) and there are beautiful models on the covers of magazines, but all non-nude. I bought some of the mags and will do some postings in the upcoming months to show you these gorgeous models.

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0 thoughts on “Back from Vietnam!”

  1. Robin, welcome back from heaven!

    I’ve never been to Vietnam but remember that when I was in Thailand many years ago that lots of fellow travellers were headed there. It wasn’t all guys either but about a 50/50 split of male/female.

  2. Yeah, thank God Vietnam is not a sex-tourist-paradise like Thailand. The good thing about the communist regime in Vietnam is that it keeps these things pretty much under control.

  3. will be in VN in november for 2.5 weeks. I look forward to your insight on where to go and see the sights. Thanks Robin.

  4. Where do you land? Hanoi or Saigon (HCM City)? I started in Hanoi, travelled south by bus and train to Hué, Hoi-An and Nha Trang. Then took a plane to Saigon and then back to Hanoi. Took a 1 day trip to Halong Bay. I unfortunately skipped Dalat and Sapa, but will go there next time I think. I can recommend all the places where I’ve been. Friendly people and great scenery. Ohw, be sure to bring a Lonely Planet guidebook! We did not really blend with the other tourists, but became friendly with the locals. Much more fun. And some speak English quite well.

    Ofcourse I do not now the purpose of your trip and what you would like to do or see… Any other questions?

  5. I am going just to tour and my gf will be visiting her childhood home in Saigon. 5 days in HCM and then northward to hanoi, south to hue and danang.

    Where was the place you wished you spent more time?

  6. Hi Robin! Welcome back! Can’t wait to see your upcoming postings! 🙂

    Those gals are gorgeous! Then again, I’ve always thought that Vietnamese women are all very beautiful. 🙂

  7. yay my second post. I just wanted to say that this website is amazing. I stumbled onto it while surfing for lulu leia. Few clicks and i’m instantly hooked. Read through the detailed Breast 101 post and was thouroughlly educated and entertained! Keep up the great work on here. And feel free to enjoy the asian women on my website as well! Cheers!

  8. Hi Roley. Thanks for the compliments on AS and my breast surgery post. I have to say I’m very impressed by your site: as a photographer myself (you can see my work at Sachiko McLean‘s site), I often find other glamour photographer’s work to be cliched, but your work is really beautiful.

  9. hello lee, robin and as. nice to meet you all. Great work on the sachiko site Robin! I remember visiting her site in the past many times too. It’s neat seeing how there’s a connected community on this site. Lee haha.. i got off school and had dinner with my friends today and mentioned your post while we were perusing through the complimentary Japanese Magazines at a BBT joint. They called me a breast expert. thanks!

    as: i’m very fortunate to be living in vancouver. the asian girls here are very beautiful and there everywhere. at school (SFU) i find it difficult to concentrate on my studies due to the whiplash i’m getting from all the girls that pass me by from class to class.

    Robin: i’d be honored to have some of my work posted on here! much respect to you. glad to meet other photographers in our area of specialization.

  10. Hi, I did not do work on the Sachiko site, Roley! That’s all Lee. I am only responsible for the basic look & feel here at Asian-Sirens.

    I will look into writing something about you soon. Will have to read your site. Can I use some photo’s?

  11. Hi Roley. As Robin says, the photography and design on Sachiko’s site is mine, not Robin’s! I suspect Sachiko’s tits are too big for Robin’s taste… 🙂

  12. Yes, indeed Vietnam is heaven on earth. Try to go to Vungtau, 1.5 hr ferry from Saigon. You may also go to Dalat, best place for relaxation. Hanoi also has a hotel called Fortuna that you literaly must swim in between hundreds of semi naked girl to get to the Night Club. Love to come back there, since I left my heart in Vungtau.

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