Asa Akira is a 23 year old Japanese born porn actress who now resides in NYC. In 2006–07 she was a regular on the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show and was affectionately known as the “Show Whore”. But she apparently stuffed up a sketch and was subsequently relieved by Bubba and then decided to take up making porn.Now I realise posting of porn stars can be somewhat contentious, but you gotta admire a girl who still looks good putting it all out there and doesn’t always have the luxury of being ‘photo-shopped’…and yes, I see the implants!
Measurements: 32C-24-32
Height: 5 feet, 2 inches (157 cm)
Weight: 105 lbs (48 kg)
Tattoos: 5 small flowers on left shoulder, Both shoulder blades, ‘Mrs. Concepcion’ on right ankle, small 5-pointed star on inside of lower left arm

Interesting – not my usual type, but I still find her quite sexy anyway!
Sexy, yes. Cute, no. The first photo is the best, the others have too much of a prono feel, but I guess that is expected.
No offense, but that’s probably the least attractive Japanese girl I’ve ever seen. Up there with Yoko Ono.
I suspect her body’s a lot better than Yoko’s though. 😉
I was going to write about her but never got around to it because I be having too many things going on, but I did send Robin an article which should be up soon. Watch out for that one.
Anyway, I found out about her a while ago, but couldn’t remember her name. When I first saw her, I thought she needed to go into porn, then one day I see her in Fetish Fucks 3 and realized who it was. Don’t you wish that happened more often? You see someone hot as hell and think they should be in porn, then magically they are in one.
Asa Akira is one of the sexiest Asian pornstars that I’ve seen in a while and that is currently in the biz. And if you in need of a stimulus package or package stimulus, peep out Fetish Fucks 3 or anything else she is in because she really brings it. And not only is sexy as hell, but also has a great ass. Here’s some links for ya.
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Asa on Sybian
The first picture is fantastic. The rest?…not so much, IMO. She’s OK, and as Doc notes, sexy. But, other than in the first picture, she really doesn’t seem to be very pretty.
Her MySpace photos amplify my original impression – she certainly isn’t very pretty, but her body’s nice, and she really is sexy! You see this sometimes, and I always find it intriguing how a girl can be simultaneously not very pretty, yet at the same time very sexy. Asa is definitely one of these.
I agreed she isn’t cute but sexy as hell…
hot for a porn star…..but not cute like a Japanese gravure model…..prefer the girls in japan
probably lost her “japanese touch” the moment she landed at JFK. Whatever it is, she’s tight.
Holy Cow!!! I’ve been watching her for a couple months now on Spankwire. The first one was Control Freaks, and she’s pretty much in control throughout the movie. Never thought I’d see her featured here on A-S’s though. Glad to see her though. She’s GRRREAT!
She’s smokin hot to me…even for a porn chick.
Ha, hilarious. I was also going to feature her. Not for a little while but she was totally on the list. Mostly because of photos like these:
I should add, I am only a fan of hers when the photos have a deep tan. I think it makes her body look better. The picture above is not an example of that but I can’t seem to find the examples I had on hand.
She just “OK”.she is not that hot.
i agree with most – sexy but not cute. she has that mean porno look, which i kinda like. i love how she continues to go for it after the money shot!
I would do her, as would every one of you. What I really want to see is the kawaii “real” japanese girls from Japan getting pounded American style. Anyone know of any such vids?
Here are some links to some full length vids you can download.
ive seen her work…not exactly the best looking Asian chic but her performances are great.
Certainly hot enough. Thumbs up!
jdrevenge – Almost as ugly as Yoko Ono? There can be a reasonable debate on whether she is hot or not, and whether she is cute or not, but I can’t see such a debate about her being UGLY!
For the record, I’m in the hot but not cute camp.
For more free videoclips of her, search her on AskTiava.com.
Actually, judging by the first photo, I bet she’d make a better real model than anything else. Her body is incredibly well shaped, and when she doesn’t have those porn facial expressions she appears much better looking. Photos 1 and 4 are the only ones that do it for me, but they invoke enough of a response that I have a feeling there is some untapped potential there.
She may not be pretty or cute, but I am not looking for her to be that. I can look at other women for that. When I look at her, I want to see sexy, and she fits that bill to a T. As for being ugly or unattractive, what? That’s something she is not.
Hot yes, great shape, dirty sexy, she got a lot of points for her. I’d follow her.
that first pix is hot…the rest not so much 🙂
She looks really good.
Love her ass.
Never thought I’d see Asa featured here. This girl just brings the dirty, and thats what most people want to see when they watch porn. I think she’s very sexy.
Hot body and sexy look
Sweet rack and the rest. But could do without those tats.
She is hot, and good at porn, but I had not heard of her.
Asa really seems to enjoy having nice raunchy sex on film. That makes her even more hot to me.
Very hot – until the tats started appearing – then became just another porn chick trying to make payments on her car. When I saw the 1st pic I thought fitness model. Oh, well. The dude who thought she looked like Yoko needs to stop posting while drunk – or needs to hit the optometrist’s office.
she has one of the nicest bodies as far as asian porn chicks…i personally like her face but i can see how some may think she got butterface
I’m in love with that first photo
Heres her profile page:
In her words: “My favorite things in life are weed, the internet, getting naked, and just being downright bad.”
HAHA. Okay, I like her more that I did previously.
Kindly send me one copy of her films, then I will tell you what my oppinion is.
Hot girl.
What??? damn guys she’s awesome, beautiful FACE, yeah I said FACE and sexy body, Do you need more?, OMG I want a girl like her next to me right now….and her booty is awesone
That is some seriously hot asian ass!!!!
She’s one of the hottest new pornstars !!!!!!
here’s some vids :
Interesting… now is time to study her 😉
Despite being to business, she has had an extremely busy year. Asa has really nice curves for an Asian girl. Here’s the link to the vid, she shot a few days ago. Just wow!
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