Annie Chui


There is no way that Annie Chui hasn’t been featured on this site before. But it must have been under another name, because I can’t find it. Another Asian4You girl, Annie Chui is… well… nice looking. Yep. She also has not one but TWO identical unique features that are both very large. I’ll let you guess what they are.Can something be both unique and identical? Let’s say yes.

Age: ?
Height: ?
Weight: ?
Ethnicity: Probably Thai

Admittedly she looks Chinese, but again, these websites make up names for the girls to make it seem like there is more site diversity. In addition, she has elongated toes, which seems more common with Thai women. If it is just the toes that would mean nothing, but when you combine it with the website that it is on, chances are she’s Thai.























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0 thoughts on “Annie Chui”

  1. I can see the appeal for some, but her body is a bit sloppy, for me…especially her breasts.

    Her face isn’t bad, though.

  2. She’s almost certainly Thai (definitely not Korean!), but likely one of the fairer skinned Thais who have a lot of Chinese blood in them. Anyway, whatever she is, she is hot – pretty face, nice body, and fabulous tits!

  3. Gotta agree with placeboy on this one. Her chest is just *not* attractive to me, especially that fifth picture. 🙁

  4. She looks a little like Megan Fox in the last pic, just give her deep red lipstick, so that’s quite nice. But I don’t really like the huge areola (sp?), big hard nipples are nice, but I don’t like so much brown on the boob. Also, the shape is kinda odd, more like torpedos, instead off round melons. All the same I’d still tap it.

  5. This is very interesting – I was expecting a more universally positive reaction to this one. For the record, I prefer smaller, lighter coloured areolae too, but I love torpedo tits – plus as we all know, I like ’em big. 🙂

  6. I’m actually surprised there’s so much praise for Annie. Her face certainly isn’t spectacular, and her breasts, while large, look extremely odd to me.

    But as AlienOverlord put it: I’d still tap it. 😉

  7. Her boobs and nipples really do look good to me. I’m kind of surprised to hear them called ugly or not attractive. That’s what sets her apart from others. Overall she’s a perfect package. 🙂

  8. for some odd reason, she doesnt do it for me…in one pix, her kitty looks a tad worn? 🙂 sorry if this is over the top.

  9. Sad news about Annie. She was killed in a car crash about 3 years ago on the way to an appearance at a club. She was of course Thai, just like all the Asian4You girls, who nearly without exception I believe, were recruited from the Bangkok bar scene, no matter what it said in their bios. She did a lot of hard core videos, all Thai I think, except one memorable appearance in Hustlers Asian Fever series. There is even video of her around pre the boob job. Then went from pretty small to what you see. She will be missed

  10. Oh my goodness!…more bad news today. She was so fabulous looking with her beautiful mammaries and all. That does suck.

  11. What a waste of a perfect body.

    someday science will be able to make dead women like this into perfectly functional zombie house wives.

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