Alexandra Kimiko Clark


Around the internet, I have seen this photo of Alexandra wearing a tight, grey dress, circulated a billion times give or take. Most times when I see a photo of an amazing model, the photo would lack a name to go with it. So then, it would take a very long time for me to figure out who they are, or I sit and wait for a miracle to happen.

Thankfully, with the help of Tumblr, that miracle took place and I could finally put a name to the photo. Unfortunately, I could not find much else on Alexandra, but at least we can check out the work from the photographers she has worked with.






Ivan Jerick | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Adam Dillon | Flickr
Eric Mak

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0 thoughts on “Alexandra Kimiko Clark”

  1. I just wanted to say, before the rash of “she doesn’t look very Asian” (or similar) remarks begin:

    I don’t care. Me likee.

  2. She looks to me like she could have a little asian in her. I kinda see some in her eyes maybe. I gotta say that skin tight gray miniskirt certainly is an eye opener.

  3. Judging by the middle name, if it’s real, I’m assuming a japanese grandmother???

    Apart from the name however, its hard to see if there really is asian in her, but I think she could have some Australian in her. If she asked me nicely….

    Very attractive, asian or not…..

  4. agreed they she doesnt look very Asian but i also agree shes very attractive, Asian or not.

    also she has an amazing body. im glad she didnt feel the need to get implants like so many model do. she looks perfectly fine with out them. she also has one hell of an amazing ass imo.

  5. I think she’s totally Asian – no doubts at all. Throw out your stereotypes guys.
    And I went ‘woah’ when I saw the first pic..that’s just a tad better than wow!
    The last pic above is very sexy too. Niiiice arse!! Love her hair too.

  6. Yeah the first pic made my eyes bug out! She’s gorgeous. She’s got an amazing body, pretty face, and I think her she looks very Japanese. She looks like my Japanese cousin.

  7. The word is Pan-Asian or Eurasian.

    Very common in South East Asia, particularly in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia.

  8. Doc, her body unremarkable? Did you get a look at that booty?


    She may not hare a cartoonish waist-to-boob ratio, but based on the way she fills out that tight fitting dress in the 1st photo, I’d say she has a pretty smokin’ bod. Her legs are slightly thick, but they are shapely.

    But, yes, her face might be her best feature—that or her butt.

  9. Shame there aren’t any full length shots of her above (I can’t access any of the galleries – blocked). And ‘unremarkable’ is a word from a mortician’s report. This girl ain’t dead doc. 😉

  10. I think she is gorgeous, however looking through the other galleries I think the Doc has a fair point. Her torso is long compared to her legs and I think the desire to build up that ass has left her a bit thicker from the waist down (I don’t quite understand the American obsession with big butt’s).
    That said the overall package is pretty special. Kudos to Candyman for posting many of her best pics.

  11. She may have been Asian a couple generations back, suggested by kroos. She is an All-American beauty NOW!!

  12. @Luke72: exactly – I’m not a fan of big butts and stocky lower bodies, and there’s an awful lot of them these days (hence ‘unremarkable’).

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