Akira Lane impressed me from the first time I met her at the first Asian Sirens Expo. Her ever present smile lit up the room and she was genuinely friendly. Of course, as you can see above, she was and still is very beautiful and sexy. It is no wonder that she is successful in so many areas including modeling, acting, webmistressing, business, etc.
Of course, many of you are here to see check out the photos of the sexy models we feature. For more photos of Akira, click on

Akira has an interesting story of how she started modeling. The more complete version is on her website in the About Me section under My First Shoot but here is a short version I found on askmen.com and adapted slightly:
“One night, after downing several shots of tequila at a bar, Akira accepted a dare that would change her life forever: a friend challenged her to take nude photos and post these photos on the Internet. Never one to back down, Akira did just that.”
Akira was born on June 9th (6-9) on the Japanese island of Okinawa. She is a beautiful mix of Japanese and Hawaiian. You can find more details in the Bio page of her website under About Me section.
REVISED (7Nov05): I did a search for online interviews of Akira on google but didn’t come across any. I just discovered a couple interviews of Akira done by Asian Ladies of the Internet from a comment on Asian Sirens made by ALOTI regarding Petchara. The more recent of those two interviews is dated July 2003. Besides those interviews, I also recommend checking out the FAQ section under About Me on Akira’s website. One question I didn’t see answered in the FAQ is how she came up with the last name Lane for her modeling name. The reason I ask is that it doesn’t sound particularly Asian to me but I have also noticed other Asian models using non-Asian last names as well. Also, although there isn’t a lot of new information, the askmen.com profile of her is interesting as well.
Akira makes many public appearances related to her modeling work. Her next scheduled appearance where you can meet her in person is at the Glamourcon in Los Angeles on November 19th and 20th. She will be at the jbvideo.com booth!
NorthMan reminded me to mention Akira’s latest DVD Secret Desires of a Housewife 2 where she reportedly has her hottest softcore sex scenes ever!
Thanks to NorthMan for reviewing this entry and providing helpful additions!
Relevant links:
Her official website akiralane.com
Akira Lane’s official Yahoo Group
July 2003 interview with ALOTI
Older interview/profile of Akira by ALOTI
Akira on askmen.com
Couple preview pics of latest akiralane.com updates
Akira’s free monthly desktop calendar
Akira Lane photo gallery listing on asianthumbs.org
google image search of Akira Lane
pantyhoselane.com featuring models including Akira in pantyhose (run by Akira herself)
www.asianakira.com contains samples of photosets on akiralane.com
Another nice boob job! That toe-sucking pic is pretty interesting… 😉
Badboy, always glad to help.
Akira has been a long time favorite of mine! I respect her hard work as a model and intelligence as a business woman. Having said that…..I’ll also add that I think she just ooozes raw sexual energy and never fails to turn me on!!!
Akira, thanks for being YOU!
some DVD covers
she bought a book of Houdini magic tricks
How do I other people here feel about bondage? Personally I’m very uncomfortable with it.
To be honest, I am okay with some Japanese style rope bondage since I consider that somewhat artistic but am a bit disturbed by the kind shown in the bondage photos posted by Zamscan as thumbnails. Thats why I chose not to include any of her bondage photos in the main entry. I guess I will never understand what the appeal of a model with a ball in her mouth is for example.
you can delete that bondage post Doc
Zamscan, since they are only thumbnails, I don’t think it is that bad. People will only click on them if they want to. Just my 2 cents! I will leave it up to Dr. Lee though.
I certainly don’t think they should be deleted just because I don’t like them, but on the other hand I’ve never been able to understand the attraction of this stuff – I would appreciate some discussion as to why people like this sort of thing.
I am not into bondage pictures at all.
And I don’t like the gag ball! It makes me think of Pulp Fiction.
On a personal note, light bondage (hands or so) is okay by me if requested by someone you feel comfortable with. As long as it’s not me that’s tied up 😉
Good posting badboy.
Good to see Akira featured here, she is great!
As mentioned before, she is one of the nicest models I’ve met in LA. Beautiful, intelligent and indeed hard working. Absolutely top.
As for the bondage pictures, I like them 😉
Great – you’re the first person I’ve found who does! Now can you explain to me why?
Lee, I don’t have a fetish but when bondage is used with care I think it’s erotic. And I know a lot of woman think it’s sexy as well 😉
Furthermore, I agree with badboy that bondage photos can be very artistic!
I am not into the bondage stuff as well but Akira is one of the best ladies in the modelling biz. I am definitely lucky for having gotten to know her. As Marco, Badboy, Zamscan, etc have been around for a while I would think they would agree 🙂
What’s about kira’s hardcore?
Akira has never done hardcore.
Akira Lane entry updated with links to a couple online interviews I just came across thanks to Asian Ladies Of The Internet who has posted a number of comments on Asian Sirens:
July 2003 interview with ALOTI
Older interview/profile of Akira by ALOTI
Are there any other models like Sachiko who say surprising and intelligent things in their interviews? I often feel these interviews are much the same thing over and over again.
Lee, to each their own, I rather liked these Akira interviews and thought she came across as quite intelligent in them. As far as surprising, I did learn a thing or two about her that I didn’t know before.
I’m not saying she’s not intelligent, but there isn’t anything particularly enlightening or surprising in these interviews. There’s a big difference between these interviews and, for example, using the history of China (and the west) to demonstrate the damage sexual suppression has done to human society.
Akira Lane in “Maximum Thrust”
2 scenes from the movie
video details in screencap
LINK 40.74 MB
LINK 41.08 MB
Akira @ danni.com
Akira Lane in a video from danni.com
RAR part 1
RAR part 2
RAR part 3
some X-treme caps (links only, didn’t want to post thumbnails on these)
bonus cap 1
bonus cap 2
bonus cap 3
bonus cap 4
bonus cap 5
bonus cap 6
bonus cap 7
bonus cap 8
Zamscan, is there supposed to be sound on this video? Not hearing any….still good though! Thanks! 🙂
I downloaded from danni and it didn’t have any sound
thx for letting me know Zam.
French Maid Undies
Jacuzzi Party
Valentine’s Day 2008
I just found this outstanding and yummy shot of Akira’s lips. She’s so hot.
I meant her pink lips…sorry. 🙂
Crude comment deleted….
And my favorite: http://photos.freeones.com/v_various/Dannis_Hard_Drive/Akira_Lane_001/images/78126_21b.jpg
And now for some videos:
It appears someones a huge Akira fan. 🙂
Well, yeah, but really just trying to add to the available content here. And, i like her butt poses:-)
A nice butt is always a plus.