Ailene Reins is a model from New Zealand of Philipinnes ancestry. She used to have literally hundreds of nude photos, but I can’t find them since some of her modeling accounts appear to be down. So if you find any good ones yourself, feel free and post links in the comments.

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hmmmm… I have the feeling this lady would be absolutely smoking hot in real life when she’s not posing… but the photos just aren’t doing it for me. Although I do admit there’s something special about the 3rd shot….
She is hot.
Someone, please, find the nude photos (non-posing) and post them.
Classic Filipina look.
Wingsfan will like her….
Think I’ll go with the 4th shot. She’s pretty naked and beachy looking there.
Goodness me – could the photographer have used any more skin smoothing?
It’s the fake background in the beach shot that gets me…. It’s a pity because that particular pose actually had potential…
Here’s a link with a few non-nude modeling photos
(hope it works)
Ah ha!!!! I was right. Smoking hot!!! Thanks Climber…. Just a crap photographer…..
Not attractive enough to be a model in my book, even with the studio magic
The photos in climber’s link are much better, but this girl’s face is far too harsh (even masculine) for my taste.
She reminds me a lot of Sabrine Maui, which is a good thing. I certainly like her.
looks so photoshopped…
Oh, I have no doubt I would like her!! But I’m not really a fan of the photos here.
Ailene now works as a makeup artist and no longer does nudes. But she is still ravishingly beautiful. Here is a small gallery of her from last year:
The worst phrase in the English language “no longer does nudes”
Unless, of course, they’re really old.
God I love the Filipina ladies. Agree with Wingsfan19, lmao.
Shes a beauty, great filipina body too. Looks really good as she’s approaching her 30s, as I see her in Lelly’s set. Best age for me.