Aiko Tanaka announces she is looking for a husband!

Aiko Tanaka

Aiko Tanaka announced on a recent Howard Stern show that she is looking for a husband. According to

“She said she has about a year left to live in the U.S. before they kick her out of the country, back to Tokyo. She said she’s looking for someone to fall in love with. She’s looking for someone who is funny…”

This announcment seems to have driven a lot of traffic to Aiko’s website (which is no longer a paysite) since it comes up with an error bandwidth exceeded. Here is another photo (fully nude):

Aiko Tanaka

Those photos were found from a google image search but actually came from an adult profile of Aiko Tanaka on!

BTW, for those that are interested, Aiko Tanaka regularly blogs on her MySpace page. She is also on tour for Hot Import Nights so you can meet her in person at one of those events.

Thanks to madtrader for e-mailing me about this!

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0 thoughts on “Aiko Tanaka announces she is looking for a husband!”

  1. Aiko is looking for a husband? Great 😉

    She is definitely a funny girl. At least the last time when I spoke with her. Kim (Mizuno) and I took her to a pub in LA and had some fun. As far as I remember Adam Yurman joined us as well. She told me some funny stories about life in Japan. The one that I still remember is the story about why so many Japanese women died because of wearing shoes with high heels. I also will never forget her cute accent 😉

  2. I missed the Aiko/Stern epidsode, but I saw her on HDNet this week. If you have HDNet it’s showing several times this week.

    Young, Beautiful and Trying to Make it in Hollywood

    Angela, Aiko, Symone – Angela bares (nearly) all in order to make it in the competitive world of mens magazines, Aiko puts lingerie modeling on the back burner to try her hand at stand-up comedy and Symone acts up in class–hoping to catch the eye of a visiting casting director.

    Aiko tried some stand-up comedy wearing a bikini, but bombed out.
    She said she try a project of cooking in lingerie.

    I also saw her on MTV’s “Wanna Come In?” dating show.

    I posted some Aiko pics

  3. Another sign of how tough it is for single model sites these days? I mean, Aiko is pretty well known, but she seems to have given up on the whole pay site thing.

  4. Well, the paysite thing seems to have fallen through because her web guy (Webby) started the “” site and it’s various spin-offs. I think she had issues with some of the more hardcore parts and had a falling out with them. Afterward she just gave up on it. I hope it all works out for her. The few times I’ve met her she always seemed great. As Marco said, funny and sweet with a really cute accent.

  5. I’ve met Aiko many times at import car shows. She is one of the nicest and sweetest models I’ve ever met. Everytime I said hello, she would stand up and come around the front of her table and give me a hug. Really made a nice impression on me. I wish her all the best of success!

  6. “Young, Beautiful and Trying to Make it in Hollywood” HDNET

    Aiko tried some stand-up comedy wearing a bikini, but bombed out.
    She’s planning a project of cooking in lingerie.

    LINK to video

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