2005 Durex Global Sex Survey

The results are in! More than 317,000 people from 41 countries took part in the world’s largest ever survey on sexual attitudes and behaviour. The research confirmed that Greece is officially the sexiest country with the Greeks having sex 138 times a year – well above the global average of 103. Croatia (134) and Serbia and Montenegro (128) come a close second and third.

Interesting results… it seems that when it comes to ‘Frequency of sex’ and ‘Number of sexual partners’, a lot of Asian countries (China -and Hong Kong-, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, India) are on the bottom of the list. Lovers in Japan are the least amorous, having sex just 45 times a year.

Read more on the Durex website.

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0 thoughts on “2005 Durex Global Sex Survey”

  1. It’s not how often you do it that matters, but how much you get into it and enjoy it. πŸ˜‰

    I also have to wonder how much this reflects reality, or if it’s more of a reflection of how willing people are to say they do it. The Japanese are actually some of the horniest people I know, but they keep it very much behind closed doors.

  2. I don’t put much stock into surveys. Most people lie on surveys, so it is hard to gauge how accurate the information is. And the demographics of who took the survey would play a huge part in the results. It’s interesting, but meaningless.

  3. well i agree with Dr Lee…in fact in india…they are only horny behind close doors….so actual facts are unknown??

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