Tiara Lestar (aka Amara)

Tiara Lestar (Photography: Adam Yurman)

[A Message For Our Indonesian Friends (in Indonesian)]

This months Dutch Penthouse magazine features 13 great photo’s of 23 year old Indonesian beauty Tiara Lestar. (All photo’s by Adam Yurman). You can find the ‘quick-and-dirty’ scans of the Tiara Penthouse-pictures (only for members) here.

Pick up a copy if you can get your hands on one. Penthouse says that in the Far East she is considered an international supermodel; the new Naomi Campbell. If this is true, why can’t I find more about her with a simple Google search? I only find that she is on the cover of the Pacific USA 2006 Wall Calendar (which odd enough is not yet mentioned on the official Pacific USA site).Tiara’s motto is ‘Shocking Asia’. She goes all the way, posing completely nude, which in some Asian countries is still not allowed. She also walks the catwalk in fashion shows. If anyone has more info on this girl, please comment.

Tiara Lestar (Photography: Adam Yurman)

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0 thoughts on “Tiara Lestar (aka Amara)”

  1. Dutch Penthouse, Lee! It says right there.

    Where you too distracted by all this beauty to actually read the text? 😛

  2. When I asked where Robin got the pics from, what I meant was where did he download them from. I can’t find these particular pics on the Pacific Beauty site.

  3. I scanned them from the Penthouse.
    Will scan them all, and put them in the Members section soon.

    Yes, I checked the Pacific Beauty link and Amara = Tiara! ‘Naked Reflections’ looks from the same serie. So she uses different names! That makes it difficult to find out more about her… who knows what other aliasses she uses…

  4. Thanks Robin. For some reason I find the Penthouse pics a lot more attractive than the Pacific Beauty ones – perhaps they held on to the best ones.

    That’s also her in the banner for Pacific Beauty that Marco put up on the home page (what a coincidence!), but for me she doesn’t look anywhere near as attractive in this pic as she does in the Penthouse photos.

  5. Yes the Penthouse photo’s are quite good. Soon you will see them all 😉

    Indeed, I did not see that! I am not really looking at that banner anymore 😉

  6. They are indeed from the Dutch Penthouse and Tiara Lestar is the same model as Amara (the girl on the promobox for Adam’s Pacific Beauty).

    Will see if I can post the remaining photo’s of Tiara’s Penthouse pictorial early this week!

  7. This is an interesting example of how a small difference can make a big difference when it comes to model shoots: same model, same photographer, but much sexier result than the photos on Pacific Beauty.

  8. I noticed a comment from Lee about Tiara’s photoshoots which I wanted to add to. The “sexier” and better photos that Lee saw in Playboy are a result of about one year of hard work developing a young gals hidden talents. And now those photos are also available on Pacific Beauty. I guess the Internet can create a sort of Time warp that no one can tell the begining or the end of. All of Tiara/Amara’s photoshoots get published at Pacific Beauty but I guess the better ones came later as she gained experience and confidence and bigger budget photoshoots.


  9. Well I cant wait about Indonesian people reaction knowing the fact that finally we have a model shoot in Penthouse.

    Beware of FPI, hit first talk later . . !

  10. i really really surprise indonesian women can be a nude models, the girls isn’t beautiful yet, but not so bad lah……………….
    Indonesian have alot of girls with a good breast and a beautiful nipple…..

  11. Just did some research and it seems Tiara is the second Indonesian model in Playboy and is by far the most searched model in Google Indonesia at the moment. More than 80% of the traffic at Asian Sirens these days is from Indonesia.

    Hope some of the Indonesian visitors can explain what’s going on there at the moment. Was she mentioned in a magazine, on television or what?

  12. yes for sure, right now she’s every where on newspaper and television in indonesia, before taken picture from playboy and penthouse…she was on many indonesian adult mag such as ME (Male Emporium), MATRA and FHM Indonesia, born October 10 1980 as “Tiara Lestari” not mentioned Tiara Lestar aka AMARA in Penthouse later, her hometown in Solo at Jawa Tengah, she’s now living in Singapure and have boyfriend work as lawyer in New York’s Firm Singapure branch,thats all i knew,hey keep tha good work tiara, we’re indonesian people love you!!

  13. your welcome man …
    i’ve been read newspaper on last morning so i browse the internet looking this indonesian gorgeus babe for infos, picture and video …

  14. I guess this is another reason why we should enforce an English-only policy – it allows everyone to contribute to the discussion, and allows us to get the scoop! 🙂 I really think this is what we should do.

  15. Dear Marco (Robin, Lee and other non Indonesian),

    I am sorry your posting have been filled with people speaking Indonesian. Perhaps I can explain the reason behind this phenomena. In the past few days, Tiara story has exploded into the mainstream media and some of those media actually refer to your website/blog. If you would, please do not delete those comments. Trust me, your site are valuable to show how there are people supporting Tiara in Indonesia as there may be a firestorm against this girl soon. We all need to support her. You go girl!!

  16. Dear Everyone,

    I only want to ask that I love Tiara’s pix. I am a man and no doubt, I love her naked body. For Tiara, I love you. I wait your further and more atractive naked pix.

    Jakarta, Indonesia

  17. that a great thing. youre about to improve the ablity of indonesia model to followed by you.

    i wish i can see much more your pics. good luck of you

  18. Hubba hubba… I think that second photo might just be the sexiest thing I have ever seen EVER. Really makes you wonder what my British ancestors were doing wrong….

  19. Dear Tiara Lestari,
    I’m support u in the my praise the lord. Someday we meet again.
    If u need friend call me at +62816636008, anytime u can call me.
    Jesus Blessing U and U’r Family.

  20. Tiara, is that the way you want to make money with your blog?

    To be honest, I don’t believe in it for models. Your probably will reach some losers who loves you and want to call you. But on the other hand, you will lose credibility amongst most of your fans.

  21. Marco

    You raise some interesting comments and as a reader of the blog it has been an interesting exercise especially when she asked for readers to ask a question – the usual questions were forthcoming !!!

    As a means of self promotion a blog is an interesting way of reaching out and keeping people interested. Is it an different to asking people to pay to visit your website. This way she keeps it clean and free.

    Perhaps more interesting is posting a telephone number on the internet and inviting callers. A novel response and wondering whether Tiara you would care to inform us how many calls you have received and of what nature.

    This would prove your point Marco on the existence of the “losers” as opposed to the “fans”

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to all those celebrating

  22. Marco

    Judging by the blog nothing – it seems the novelty may be wearing thing on her side – mind you it is a difficult thing to keep up – was surprised on the phone number part. Curiosity nearly killed the cat there as nearly dialled the number !
    Anyone dialled it ?

  23. maybe it’s an indonesian equivalent of of those 800 phones? (notorious lines that charge upwards of $3.99 per minute)

  24. I think the reason it’s Indonesian only is that Tiara’s English still isn’t that great – although her blog does represent her and what she thinks, she certainly has some help with her English. I don’t think this is really a misrepresentation, just a fact of life when you’re dealing with models from a non-English speaking background.

  25. This is my first attempt at such a blog. Seriously, after looking at her pictures, I personally think she has such a great body and beauty. I would love to see more of her pictures in the future even though she longer intent to pose as a model. Whatever you decide Tiara, I wish you all the best in your career.

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