Asian Sirens T-shirts soon available!


Soon you can wear your own Asian Sirens T-shirt! We just opened a shop at Webby Award Winner Nothing in there yet, but keep an eye out for those fantastic products! 😉

And we would like you to think with us about some nice slogans to place on the T-shirts. Use the Comments section, we’ll be reading them all. (This one is allready taken 😉

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0 thoughts on “Asian Sirens T-shirts soon available!”

  1. I know this won’t win but it made me laugh thinking it up – it’s wrong on many levels: “If there was a God, he’d have a hot Asian girlfriend.”

    I’ll come up with my real entry – unless that gets me banned.

  2. Great idea Robin and as mentioned on the phone, I will sponsor the project to send free t-shirts to top-5 (or 10) asian models.

    Any idea which models we can send one in return for a picture of them wearing the Asian Sirens t-shirt?

  3. Welcome back E.J. – the Doc wins! 🙂

    Actually, “Beware of the Doc” is good in as much as it will make people ask: “What the hell is that all about? Better go to to find out!” 😉

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