4 naked Asian girls on a beach


A tip from our expert in the States Northman! He is quite busy at this time, and sends us his greetings with some photos of four girls enjoying themselves on a beach. Go and see for yourselves.

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0 thoughts on “4 naked Asian girls on a beach”

  1. i was about to say the same and doc beats me to it. nice bods and the sand thing is pretty cool but their faces is a tad too indi for me too. i like Thitima better for her indi looks.

  2. I just gasped and then let out a sigh after seeing Paula’s lovely boobs. It almost brought a tear to my eye. And their juicy round and brown asses. Man, I want some so bad I could just taste it.

  3. are those fake? they don’t look fake, because of the sag factor. if they’re not fake, can someone please tell me what these girls were fed while growing up? because, geez most of us don’t get past a B cup, if we even get that big naturally! :-S

  4. I honestly cannot tell for sure from these photos – I would need to see something more revealing. It isn’t unusual for the “Asians” of Polynesian descent (i.e. the dark skinned, indigenous looking Islanders, such as Issarn Thais and Filipinas) to have relatively large breasts – they are of completely different descent to Orientals (the light skinned Asians of Chinese descent). IMHO, Polynesians should not be lumped together with Orientals, as they are very different. Oh yes, and this is yet another occasion where I cannot avoid using the term “Oriental”. 😉

  5. I start looking at this pic and I seem to recognize the 2nd girl from the right. And it’s really her! It’s PaulaThai, lol.

    She is paula thai, a famous webcam model.
    Well, at least she’s famous for those who know the good asian cams sites. She’s a HUGE success on asian webcams, I tell ya.

    She’s also a very warm girl, nice attitude and shares a beautiful smile. Btw, she’s not filipina, but thai.

    Yeah doc, this time I can tell you the truth about those boobs. They are indeed real and size 36D or something! paula thai was blessed and she probably has the biggest pair of boobs in her city. 🙂

    Some bonus for you guys, check out some pics
    PaulaThai gallery

    And you gonna thank me for this, arf! If you wanna see her performing live on webcam, check the girls board on this page. Her name is on the top left corner and you can check when she is online, check for paulathai

    Don’t be discouraged if you try to see her for hours and she is always doing a private show. Yes, she is THAT successfull. Once you see her, you understand why, with those looks, boobs and tiny waist. 😉

    Enjoy, paulathai is a real webcam legend. 🙂

  6. christine, they sure are real christine, well guessed. I dunno how she got so lucky, must be the fruit!

    I’m jealous of Northman now, lol. Oh man!…

  7. Oooohhh…yes yes yes. Thank you so very much daznlover, much appreciated for the PaulaThai info. She is just so saucy and lovely.

  8. I just now visited her live webcam page and I truly believe I could marry Paula Thai. I would be her little bitch boy for life if she wanted. Man I just wanna suckle so bad.

  9. I can’t see anyone who looks like her as a wifey type material. Sure she has some funbags to bounce around, but I’m being charitable when I say her face is average. Not that you’d look at her face much.

    When I think wifey, I think cute/beautiful face, size B to D tits ideally, as long as they don’t look too porno, on a nice slim body, though if she has a cute enough face I’d make an exception for a curvy girl like chelsea fujisawa. Full As are good too if the girl has a slim body.

    I think wifey more with girls like jun kusanagi, evelyn lin, christine nguyen, etc. Basically someone who I’d enjoy looking at when I wasn’t horny. Paula Thai is the type of girl you keep in the closet, bring her out to bang her, wipe her off, and put her away again. She’d be great for sex, but I’d also be embarassed to be seen in public with her. Also, because her look is so extreme, I’m sure I’d get tired of her.

  10. Yeah, I think the reason a lot of white guys like Issarn Thai girls is that they just seem to scream out “I love sex”, but for the same reason I too would feel a little uncomfortable to be seen with them in public – I guess it would kind of give the impression to other people that I’m after nothing but sex. I also want a girl with some class and intellect, and let’s face it, a girl like Paula is unlikely to be so well endowed in that department. Still, like you I’d probably do it with her behind closed doors, if only to fondle those natural wonders. 😉

  11. Her body is banging, but her face…

    I couldn’t see myself marrying Paula. I need a wife with some class too. Sure the sex would probably be fantastic, but you couldn’t bring her around your family or be out in public with her like that without wondering what people are thinking. I would love to have her as a mistress or something. Those tits are fantastic, plus she has a nice ass too.

  12. i think adam and the Gaigin living in thailand will disagree with you 🙂 🙂 they love the dark skins 🙂

  13. I love them too. I’m mainly attracted to Asians with brown skin, but I am not making Paula my wife. I love them tits and ass, but I need someone smart and classy if I am going to spend the rest of my life and start a family with her, or be a dropdead hottie. That’s all.

  14. Hey guys, Paula Thai just called and she is highly upset with some of the comments posted here. She’s on her way over right now so I can make her feel better. Issarn girls need love too, you know.

  15. Well, you guys took those sentences very seriously. According to western values (family, society, etc) maybe she wouldn’t be the obvious choice.
    But should I retire to a thai island and say bye to western civilization, why not. I guess I could be happy with a sweet Issarn wife massaging my back, tequilla on my hand, and the sun tanning me on the beach. 🙂

    LawBoy, what videos? lol
    She doesn’t do videos, she does webcam shows. And yes, I’ve seen them and she’s famous for some tricks. Also, she is one of the best, constantly ‘booked’ on her webcam.

  16. Ok so I looked up what “Issarn Thai” girls are, and here is what I found:

    The Isan region is northeast Thailand, and it is known for being the poorest area in Thailand. The people are not Thai, but instead are basically Laotian ethnically, actually far more ethnic Laotians live in Isan then in Laos itself.

  17. The claim that Issarns “are not Thai” but Laotian shows how much the lighter skinned Thais look down upon them. Issarn Thais can make at least as valid a claim to being ethnically native to this area (both Thailand and Laos) than the lighter skinned Thais who like to say they are the “true” Thais (but who are in fact mostly of Chinese descent).

  18. and thai chicks are statistically more likely to cut off your woo-hoo than any other ethnicity.

    btw, this is one of the saddest posts i’ve seen on this site. what’s happening!?! I miss posts about japanese beauties from JAPAN (oh heaven forbid)

  19. jdrevenge, please….. the main page is always full of light skinned asians. Let us enjoy some dark skinned hotties for a change! Move on to the next post please, we are having fun thinking about Paula’s nature’s gifts. :-O

  20. I know…right? 🙂 You just can’t ask for anything more than Paula’s two big luscious natural gifts sent from above. Just like ole’ Niners used to say…some boobs tenderloins to make us all happy.

  21. hey dazn, how about a free post of paula’s video? in the giving spirit of Christmas 🙂

    don’t call me ladyboy..i still have my WooHOO 🙂

  22. oh lordy… so aesthetically challenged… hing-oot… where are the exquisite beauties??? Please post, give me some classy courtesans… NOT these, the proletariat…

  23. —————
    cat-tien said:
    oh lordy… so aesthetically challenged… hing-oot… where are the exquisite beauties??? Please post, give me some classy courtesans… NOT these, the proletariat…

    Have to agree, you can do much better than that in the Philippines. My god, with all the choice…

  24. camelgrass, in the Philippines you get sexy islanders like that? I agree! But you should try Thailand more. You would be surprised.

    cat-tien, now come on, what do you have against the proletariat? Society needs a bit of all.

    LawBoy, I actually don’t have a video, since it’s a live webcam show she runs. Maybe Northman has a video when he gets back from the beach? Oh boy! 🙂

  25. Sure, nothing wrong with the proletariat, among them you will find the nicest, most beautiful and most interesting people, far more so than the other end of town.

    These are beautiful girls for sure, but you don’t have to go far in Philippines to find that girl with that something ‘extra’ special.

    I’m sure it’s the same in Thailand as daznlover mentioned!

  26. Damn. The camera shouldn’t focus so much on her face, but instead should aim just a little lower – and she should take that boody top off too. 😉 Conversely, the last vid was just way too much information for me…

  27. I couldn’t see the first three videos but i sure recognize Paula’s style on the 4th!

    Yeah, that’s one of the fetishes she’s famous for. Not an easy thing to do, but she pulls it off. Or better, puts it in, lol.

  28. Dr Lee,
    Your comments are normally very well-informed, but I’m afraid you’re way-off when it comes to the Thais and Isan.
    – The ethnically Lao people who now make up the bulk of the Isan population were primarily moved into the area as prisoners of war of the Thais in the 18th and 19th centuries, so the Thais have been in Thailand far longer than the Lao have been in Isan. Nothing to do with ‘valid claims to being ethnically native’, just fact.
    – The Lao are not remotely Polynesian or islanders; the farthest back their ancestry can be traced is to southern China. The reason they don’t resemble your stereotype of an ‘Oriental’ is because it’s just that, a stereotype.
    – The Thais are not ‘mostly’ of Chinese descent, except in the sense that, like the Lao, they came from there over a thousand years ago. The Thai Chinese make up about 15% of the population, taking Thai Chinese to be those with some relatively recent connections there. There are also a lot of Thai Chinese in Isan, by the way, so trying to divide the population into ‘Chinese’ and ‘Lao’ groups is a gross oversimplification.

  29. We had a discussion about this one a while back. Suffice it to say, there are a lot of conflicting opinions on this. According to my own research, the darker skinned races we now call ‘Asian’ (e.g. Issarn Thais and Filipinos) are ultimately of Polynesian descent, whereas the lighter skinned ones are Oriental (i.e. ultimately of Chinese descent). The waters are muddied somewhat by the fact that we are talking about a very long time ago, during which time there has been a lot of racial mixing and immigration throughout this entire area.

  30. Dr Li I find your thinking on whats a Asian or whats Oriental very interesting.

    The Chinese might not agree with you. But it is interesting

  31. we talked about this already…doc is entitled to his opinion….i have mine. lets get back to talking about boobs and asses :)) right arf? 🙂

  32. MAN OH MAN OH MAN!!! I wish I could have been there with you, daznlover. I would have kissed her feet. If she didn’t mind of course. >_<

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