Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?

Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?

Lee Sa Bi (or Lee Sabi) is mentioned in the Wikipedia as the first Korean Playboy model that officially represent the country of Korea. We all know that Sung Hi was the first Korean model that was featured in Playboy but okay. More important, Badboy mentioned before in the comments here that she did a photoshoot for Playboy but that the photos never appeared in the US magazine. You can read more about this one-year old story at Asian Sex Gazette, Asian Divas and The Marmote’s Final Hole.
Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?

I’ve found some interesting semi-nude pictures of Lee Sa Bi here and here but I’m not sure if these semi-nude small pictures are from her Playboy shoot. Probably not.

So the questions still remains, where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi and did they ever appeared in magazine?

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0 thoughts on “Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?”

  1. Sung Hi never really ‘represented’ Korea – she was always Asian-American first and foremost, so perhaps that is what they mean (however silly this distinction may be!).

  2. Speaking of Korean Playboy models, I found out about Lee Pani yesterday from an article mentioning that she recently got married to a chef and her parents arranged her marriage. I imagine they were not thrilled about her exposure in Playboy and this was their way to put a stop to it. I also found another article where she reportedly states that she has never had any cosmetic surgery.

    Click the thumbnail above to see the larger size version of this photo and 8 others including a few more topless/nude photos (must be a member of my Asian Divas Yahoo Group to view them).

    Click the following link to read more about Lee Pani’s Playboy modeling experience and recent marriage.

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Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?

Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?
Lee Sa Bi (or Lee Sabi) is mentioned in the Wikipedia as the first Korean Playboy model that officially represent the country of Korea. We all know that Sung Hi was the first Korean model that was featured in Playboy but okay. More important, Badboy mentioned before in the comments here that she did a photoshoot for Playboy but that the photos never appeared in the US magazine. You can read more about it in, for example, Asian Sex Gazette, Asian Divas and The Marmote’s Final Hole.
Where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?

I’ve found some interesting pictures of Lee Sa Bi here and here but I’m not sure if these semi-nude small pictures are from her Playboy shoot. Probably not.

So the questions still remains, where are the Playboy photos of Lee Sa Bi?

(Visited 158 times, 1 visits today)

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