Vote for Playboy MOY 2006

Visitors of can now vote for the Model of the Year 2006. Unfortunately, nothing has been changed in the past few years. Just one asian model out of a list of 50 models: Susie Lin.

I was somewhat surprised to see good old Alley Baggett still on the list of favorites. Is she still working as a model or are they still using old film material?

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0 thoughts on “Vote for Playboy MOY 2006”

  1. She is so frikkin hot, it hurts to look at her. It just doesn’t seem possible to be that buff and sexy at the same time. Drool!!!

  2. She says in the interview, when asked what her favorite piece of equipment is, “just give me some old-fashioned dumbells, and I am good to go.” Lord what I would give to be her dumbell for a day.

  3. I’d let her fold me up like a pretzel if she wanted to. I’d probably even pay her to do it. Ouch!

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