Ryoko Yonekura Commercial

Jewlery giant MIKI Corporation has released their latest campaign commercials for the company’s exclusive Camellia Diamond brand. The commerical shorts star the lovely Ryoko Yonekura.

Yonekura was born in 1975 in Yokohama. She studied classical ballet for fifteen years from the age of 5. She won a national young beauty award in 1992. In 1993 she started her career as a model, working for fashion magazines such as CanCam. She announced her intention to start her acting career in June 1999.

Ryoko Yonekura

Ryoko Yonekura on the web:

Ryoko Yonekura @ youtube.com
Ryoko Yonekura @ images.google.com
Ryoko Yonekura @ Kineda.com
Ryoko Yonekura @ imdb.com
Ryoko Yonekura @ wikipedia.org

This commercial:
Music by Shale Apple
Diamonds by MIKI Corporation

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0 thoughts on “Ryoko Yonekura Commercial”

  1. Uh oh another white guy in a commercial with an Asian girlie……here we go again. Look on the bright side though, Asians are much better at darts than The Man! πŸ˜‰

  2. please see previous comments on this topic πŸ™‚ at least this is not as bad…the dude is old…so we can get into geriatric issues. πŸ™‚ how can they get away with this? these commercials are made for asian countries..this guy is really white looking and old :)…j/k

  3. To show your skill at darts you go for triple top (or treble top as they call it in England) – this is triple 20 which is worth 60 points vs the bulleye’s 50 points. An excellent dart player will score 180 with three darts …

    Since the chick is cute, I guess 50’s will do!

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