If there’s one Japanese girl who’s more mysterious than the Kano sisters I featured in my last post, it’s underground performance artist and trumpeter Mash. She was featured in a series of photos at Tokyo Topless some years ago, which sadly are no longer available. As can be seen in the above pic, she has a very distinctive ‘star burst’ tattoo around her navel. Even more remarkably for a Japanese girl, she also has unshaven armpits! Apart from that, I know absolutely nothing about her. Does anybody else have any more info on this girl?The photo above is a scan by legendary Asian scanner BlueBird, which he tellingly misidintified as Jun Kusanagi. Those who know me will know I’m an absolute Jun fanatic, because she has quite simply the greatest body I have ever seen – the contrast between her tiny waist and her very large bust and wide hips (in her prime) has to be seen to be believed. Mash’s slender yet very busty body is the closest to Jun’s I’ve seen, but whereas I believe Jun’s breasts are (incredibly) natural, I suspect Mash probably has implants. But like many Japanese models, they do look very natural!
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I’ve done a lot of research on Mash and I still can’t believe that I never found more info on her.
Lee, have you ever seen other photos of her?
I have a collection of waht I believ are every photo of her to have appeared on the net. Maybe I can upload them to Zam’s Yahoo Group?
you can upload them here (if you want)
Thanks Zam, will do!
Lee, it is best to upload them in the Files section rather than the Photos section. If you don’t like to upload them individually, you can upload them as a zip file.
Yep, that’s what I was intending to do. I’ve got 10 sets (although each one is pretty small), which I’ll upload as separate zips.
Done! Go get your Mash here:
Most of these photos were taken from a long dead web site, which unfortunately had very little info.
If you examine her ribs on the black and white photo, there seems to be something wrong with her! It doesn’t look healthy to me…
It’s just the pose, as you’ll see if you download the pics from Zam’s Yahoo Group. Sachiko can look this way with this sort of pose too. I’ve found that trim Asian girls often have protruding ribs and clavicles, whereas white women tend to have protruding hip bones. For me the letter is a bit of a turn off, but I don’t mind the Asian look, if it isn’t too much of course!
This has GOT TO BE Jun Kusanagi! That combination of waistline and tits – have never seen that duplicated.
I agree it’s amazing, but this isn’t Jun – download the Mash pics from the link below to see more. This pic in particular does seem to emphasise her waistline (the pose and the contrast of her white skin against the black jacket helps with this), but once again I think Mash got her tits through surgery – Jun’s a natural wonder, as far as I can tell.
The amazing thing is that even their faces look alike. I wonder if they’re sisters or something?
What type of dance she to do that i dont have undestandet so well ?
Hey, is it possible to repost those pictures? That Yahoo Groups no longer exists and I’m dying to get more pics of this girl. I live in Japan and it’s actually very difficult to find anything on her besides the local clubbing websites and those pics are tame!
Okay graysilence, I’ll put up my Mash Collection again if you can tell me how to get her more recent pics! 😉
Okay, this isn’t easy as the sites are 80% in Japanese (use google language options to read them but the English still comes out badly) and I feel like I’m revealing some classified info (it’s not really but none of this was ever meant to go mainstream outside Japan). It requires a LOT of searching, but go to these three websites: 1) http://www.cyberjapan.tv/contents/fashionpolice/index.html – and then go to Fashion Police 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. There are TONS of pics of partying girls; she’s in the archives, here and there.
2) http://www.goldfinger-party.com – this is Japan’s lipstick lesbian party website. I kid you not. Go to archives and she’s also in there (pretty sure she is bi-sexual if not fully lesbian) along with some very attractive feminine Japanese clubber bi-goddesses. You may need to search back several years.
3) lastly, she was in a Japanese porn sci fi film called IKU (Japanese for ‘to go’, euphemism for orgasm), as a surprisingly English speaking lesbian replicant. http://www.i-k-u.com/eng/F001.HTM
Good hunting.
By the way Dr. Lee, happy to answer any questions you may have about the….uh, scene, here in Japan
yeah, she is hot. i remember her really booming there in tokyo a few years back when i was there. she was known for 1) her massive cleavage 2) her “performance art”, and 3) the fact that she is gay, or bi, or whatever. saw her on a couple of late-night talkshows, for sure.
she was tatttoed before it started to be a cool thing to do there, too. i seem to recall her being part of araki’s “entourage” as well.
Ye hath done well graysilence. 😉 I’ll find a new home for my Mash archive – maybe in the main Asian Sirens Yahoo group?
BTW, I have the IKU DVD (thanks Robin!) – she still looks awesome.
You’re very welcome. Sorry, newworks, what exactly was “araki’s” entourage?
araki (nobuo) is a very famous photographer in japan, and if i am not mistaken, mash was (or prehaps still is) one of his many, um, “hangers-on”; iow, one of a group of people that he hangs out with.
BTW, where IS the asian sirens yahoo group?
Here. Sorry, haven’t put the pics up yet!
awesome, thanks – had been searching high and low for your group on Yahoo.
It’s a twilight zone…
Hey could someone re-upload the pics?
Sorry it’s taken so long, but I’ve finally found a new home for my Mash collection here:
Lee, I THANK YOU fur poppin’ this lil babe into The ScanLover’s Mature Wing…
We will take very good care of her… Even after Jun turns 30 years old!
You are very welcome! Thanks for giving her a home. 🙂