Do you love tedious labor? Do you love beautiful Asian women? Do you love both? Then boy do we have the job for you.
We would like to create an archive page of this site using Tumblr, but unfortunately we don’t have the time to do it ourselves. That’s where you come in. We need an Asian Sirens reader with a lot of time on their hands and the willingness to do work for free to help create a newer, better archives page, much like the one you see on Shuai’s Site on the top left of the page.
Shuai Ge will tell you how to do it, but essentially we need someone that can help create for us a better archive so that we – and you – can easily go back in time and see the beautiful models we’ve made available. If you’re interested, click on the “Contact Asian Sirens” link on the left. Let us know your degree of interest using arbitrary numbers, such as 4241412 or 9.1. I, personally, will thank you in a post, and we all know how important my opinion is to you guys. Hint: Very.
Thanks in advance. And just remember, if you do it, Cho Hye Eun will smile.**May not be factually accurate.
ahh cho hye eun…
So the Tumblr-hosted archive page simply drives traffic to asian-sirens.com?
(Kind of interesting that the non-hyphenated site name goes to Hyundai)
Basically, yes, but we thought it would be an excellent way for people to access our archives, which now numbers well over 2200 posts.
Holy Lord!…I just found Wang Li Dan on the mainlandhotties site and I said WoW!
Let’s keep this post on topic arf – I’m sure Shuai will feature her here eventually.
I spent the past weekend catching up the archive on Tumblr. I’ll be working on keeping it updated now that I have the time to do so.
Great! Thanks Candyman.
We owe you a thank you, Candyman. It’s looking great, so many babes in such a small blog frame. 🙂
I would volunteer to do the Cho Hye Eun section (and add some photos from my archives). However, while I could probably find the time, there’s no way I could find the opportunity (the wife would take a DIM view).